21 Mar Coronavirus Update
In light of the continuing development of the coronavirus situation we wanted to provide you with an update on what we are doing within Pocock Rutherford & Co in order to maintain our service, whilst being mindful of the safety of our team, our clients and our wider family and friendship circles.
Like many of you, a large majority of our people are now working from home with a small group maintaining an office function for essential activities. We will continue to do this as long as the situation allows, notwithstanding changes to governmental guidance in the coming days/weeks.
Be assured those at home are working from secure connections, with full access to all of the systems that we need in order to continue to provide you with the information and ongoing service that you need.
As such, you will hopefully experience similar service levels to that which you have become accustomed over the years.
With particular regard to meeting with you on a face to face basis, this is, as you will appreciate, becoming more challenging as time moves forward. We are pleased to be able to offer you your normal access to our advice and ongoing review meetings, albeit these will now be more likely conducted remotely.
We will work with you individually in terms of how you prefer to access this, but we have identified and are already making use of some great technology that allows us to facilitate our meetings.
Simply put, the message is that we are, as close to possible, very much open for business as usual.
All of the office numbers and normal access routes are fully operational and, as you will already know, your personal advisers would be more than happy to receive contact from you – you have their details!